CAM experimental/it


The CAM Workbench contains a set of hidden commands. They are hidden by default because they are experimental. A command can be considered experimental for any of the following reasons:

Enable experimental commands

To access the hidden experimental commands of the CAM Workbench, the user must enable them in the Parameter Editor.

  1. Open the Parameter Editor via Tools → Edit Parameters...
  2. Once in the editor the path is BaseApp → Preferences → Mod → CAM
  3. To enable the CAM Area and CAM Area Workplane commands:
    • Right-click in the parameter list area and select New → New Boolean item from the context menu.
    • Name the new parameter: EnableAdvancedOCLFeatures (case-sensitive).
    • Set it to: True.
  4. To enable the other experimental commands:
    • Again select New → New Boolean item from the context menu.
    • Name the new parameter: EnableExperimentalFeatures (case-sensitive).
    • Set it to: True.
  5. Save the settings.
  6. Restart FreeCAD.

Additional Information

Maggiori informazioni sulle specifiche funzionalità sperimentali nelle pagine wiki che riguardano questo argomento